THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 68MINUTES OF THE BUSINESS COMMITTEE MEETINGWednesday, November 13, 2024 6:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.ONLINE MICROSOFT TEAMS MEETING TrusteesL. Lee, Chair M. Robinson, Vice Chair T. BrzovicN. BaileyG. KellerC. Morvay L. PellegrinT. RokebyT. HarrisAbsent R. Gray, Superintendent/CEOStaffM. Walsh, Secretary-TreasurerK. Matthews, Manager Admin. ServicesRepresentativesCUPE Representative: Jeff VirtanenDPAC Representative: Angie Haslam NDTA Representative: Joanna Cornthwaite NSAA Representative: Lisa Frey1.CALL TO ORDER The Chair will call the meeting to order. With great respect and humility, we acknowledge and honour the lands of the Snuneymuxw people. The Snuneymuxw people maintain their profound, unique and spiritual connection to the land through ageless traditions, teachings, stewardship and expressions of reciprocity.The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.2.ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no additions. 3.DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no deletions. 4.CHANGE IN ORDER There was no change in order. 5.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA B24/11/13-01IT WAS MOVED BYTrustee MorvayIT WAS SECONDED BYTrustee KellerThat the Agenda be approved.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY6.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES 1.October 2024.pdfB24/11/13-02IT WAS MOVED BYTrustee HarrisIT WAS SECONDED BYTrustee RokebyThat the minutes of the Business Committee meeting held on October 9, 2024, be approved.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY7.PRESENTATIONS 8.SENIOR STAFF REPORTS 8.1Mark Walsh, Secretary-Treasurer & Taunia Sutton, Associate Secretary-Treasurer 1.2024-25 First Quarter Financial Report (Q1).pdfRe: 1st Quarter Financial ReportMark Walsh and Taunia Sutton provided the financial results of the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year. Overall, the District is in a positive financial position and in line with expectations. An Information Sheet is attached to the Agenda.8.2Mark Walsh, Secretary-Treasurer & Gillian Robinson, Executive Director of Communications 1.AS Minor Catchment Adjustments.pdfRe: Rutherford Re-Opening – Catchment Boundary Minor ReviewMark Walsh advised that staff have reviewed some minor catchment boundary anomalies and presented some minor changes for the Committee's consideration. An action sheet is attached to the agenda.B24/11/13-03IT WAS MOVED BYTrustee Pellegrin IT WAS SECONDED BYTrustee BaileyThe Business Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) approve the recommended minor catchment boundary changes as shown below in this Action Sheet.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY8.3Mark Walsh, Secretary-Treasurer 1.IS Public Interest Disclsoure Report.pdf2.PIDA-Annual-Report-for-SD68.pdfRe: Public Interest Disclosure Act: Annual ReportMark Walsh presented the district's Public Interest Disclosure Report. An information sheet, together with the report is attached to the agenda. 8.4Mark Walsh, Secretary-Treasurer 1.IS AP 513 Purchasing .pdf2.AP-513-Purchasing.pdfRe: Administrative Procedure 513 - Purchasing (Update) Mark Walsh presented an updated AP 513 - Purchasing for the Committee's information. The AP has been updated to reflect recommendations from the District’s Auditors. An information sheet, together with the updated AP 513 is attached to the agenda.8.5Piet Langstraat, Interim Superintendent 1.IS Inclement Weather.pdfRe: Inclement Weather Piet Langstraat presented on inclement weather and how the district plans for the possibility of snow events. An information sheet is attached to the agenda.9.CORRESPONDENCE REFERRED FROM THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING There was none. 10.UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no Unfinished Business.11.NEW BUSINESS 11.1Greg Keller, Board Chair Re: Notice of Motion - Policy 2.1B24/11/13-04IT WAS MOVED BYTrustee KellerIT WAS SECONDED BYTrustee HarrisThat the Business Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) amend the policy committee work plan to include the review and update of Policy 2.1, Role of the Board.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY12.FOR INFORMATION 13.QUESTION PERIOD Question Period is intended to enable the public to obtain clarifying information regarding a current agenda item.Individuals wishing to ask questions of the Board upon completion of Committee and Board sessions shall do so in writing on the form provided which includes their name, street address and email address. The individual will be asked to verify his/her self and be afforded the opportunity to read out their own question. Each individual shall be limited to one follow-up question upon receiving a response. Forms are available in the information rack near the entrance of the Board Room.If the meeting is being held online, individuals wishing to ask questions of the Board shall type their question in the Q&A compose box on the right side of the screen and then select send. Your question will be read by the Board or Committee Chair.Questions and responses will be included in the video of the meeting and the meeting minutes and will be part of the public record.14.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:13 pm.B24/11/13-05IT WAS MOVED BYTrustee MorvayIT WAS SECONDED BYTrustee KellerThat the meeting be adjourned.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLYNo Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.October 2024.pdf1.2024-25 First Quarter Financial Report (Q1).pdf1.IS Inclement Weather.pdf1.IS AP 513 Purchasing .pdf2.AP-513-Purchasing.pdf1.IS Public Interest Disclsoure Report.pdf2.PIDA-Annual-Report-for-SD68.pdf1.AS Minor Catchment Adjustments.pdf