THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 68REGULAR BOARD MEETINGAGENDAWednesday, December 18, 2024 at 6:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.BOARD ROOM395 Wakesiah AvenueNanaimo, BC V9R 3K6Policy 2.4 Role of the Chair and Vice-ChairThe Chairperson, or designate, shall be the official spokesperson to the news media for the Board.1.CALL TO ORDER The Chair will call the meeting to order. With great respect and humility, we acknowledge and honour the lands of the Snuneymuxw people. The Snuneymuxw people maintain their profound, unique and spiritual connection to the land through ageless traditions, teachings, stewardship and expressions of reciprocity.2.TRANSFER OF ITEMS TO OPEN MEETING AGENDA 3.ADDITIONS 4.DELETIONS 5.CHANGE IN ORDER 6.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA That the Agenda be approved.7.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES 1.November 27 2024.pdf2.AGM December 4 2024.pdfThat the minutes from the Regular Board of Education meeting held on November 27, 2024, and the Annual General Meeting held on December 4, 2024, be adopted.8.SECTION 72(3) REPORT 8.1Section 72(3) Report 1.S72(3) Report November 27 2024.pdf2.S72(3) Report December 4, 2024 1.pdfThat the Section 72(3) Report from the Closed Board of Education meeting on November 27, 2024 and the Special Closed Board of Education meetings held on December 4, 2024, be received. 9.ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REMINDERS Winter Break - Schools closed from December 21- January 5, 2025Next Public Board of Education Meeting: January 29, 202510.PRESENTATIONS 10.1NDTA, Jo Cornthwaite and Megan Simmer Re: Late French Immersion Program11.CORRESPONDENCE 11.1NALT, Nanaimo & Area Land Trust 1.NALT letter to SD 68.pdfRe: School Water Stewards Program & Environmental Stewardship Action Plan That the Board of Education of School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) refer the correspondence from NALT to staff for response. 11.2Late French Immersion 1.LFI - Dec 11.pdf2.W Litchfield.pdf3.R Mann_ Late French Immersion .pdf4.FW_ Late French Immersion.pdf5.A Lee Letter to the SD68 Board.pdf6.N. Jensen FW_ Urgent_ Vote on Late Entry French Immersion Program.pdf7.K Collins _ Thank You For Your Support of LFI.pdf8.SD68 LFI letter to Board (3).pdf9.M Bodie Save Late French Immersion (1).pdf10.P Leather Late French Immersion.pdf11.D Redden FW_ School Board potential cutting Late French Immersion program.pdf12.AFN LFI Urgent.pdf13.D Ruffell Urge to Reconsider Cancelling Late French Immersion Program.pdf14.J Ruffell- Late French Immersion Program.pdf15.M Fukunaga.pdf16.A Vanin 1 Analysis and Recommendations Regarding Late French Immersion Program.pdf17.A Vanin 2 Personal Analysis and Proposal for the Late French Immersion (LFI) Program.pdf18.A Hughes President, Canadian Parents for French.pdf19.C Wakely.pdf20.D Boulton late entry French Immersion, critical!.pdf21.E Foster FW_ Late French Immersion Program at Quarterway Elementary.pdf22.J StanleyLFI letter to board.pdf23.L Gilfoy Quarterway Cuts.pdf24.N Dickson ContinuationofLateFrenchImmersion_NDickson.pdf25.S Madjzoub FW_ Concern about losing the Late French Immersion Program.pdf26.T Fontaine.pdf27.T Oke Subject_ Urgent Appeal_ Preserve Late French Immersion for Our Students.pdf28.R West Quarterway Late French Immersion - support for the program.pdf29.R Boar FW_ Urgent_ Request to Reconsider Cutting the Late French Immersion Program.pdf30.POL 2024-FFCB President Letter-French Immersion Nanaimo.pdf31.C Meunier Quarterway Late French Immersion Program.pdf32.C Haley Termination of the Late French Immersion Program at Ecole Quaertway.pdfCorrespondence from: S. Smith; W. Litchfield; R. Mann; A. Capadouca; A. Lee; N. Jensen; K. Collins; Student Email; M. Bodie; D. Ruffell; J. Ruffell P. Leather; L'Association des francophones de Nanaimo; C. Haley; M. Fukunaga; R. West; A. Vanin; A Hughes (President of Canadian Parents for French); C. Meunier; C. Wakely; D. Boulton; D. Redden; E. Foster; J. Stanley; L. Gilfoy; N. Dickson; S. Madjzoub; T. Fontaine; T. Oke; R.Boar; M. Dubois (President La Federation des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique)That the Board of Education of School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) refer the correspondence regarding Late French Immersion to be received and filed.12.COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1Business Committee 1.2.5 Board Committees Representation and Annual Work Plan Amended.pdf2.2.6 Board Meeting Procedures.pdfThat the Board of Education of School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) approve the School District Statement of Financial Information (SOFI Report), as presented, for the year ending June 30, 2024. That the Board of Education of School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) approve the temporary suspension of the Business Committee and Education Committee to be replaced with a single once a month public Committee of the Whole entitled “Strategic Directions Committee” and a monthly Board working session entitled “Professional Learning Working Group” effective January 2025 and that the Board review the temporary structure in May 2025.That the Board of Education of School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) approve the joint agreement with the City of Nanaimo to use the Multi-Purpose Space and washrooms at Hammond Bay Elementary on a non-exclusive basis for community purposes, and that the Secretary-Treasurer is authorized to execute the documents including such terms as the Secretary-Treasurer may consider advisable.That the Board of Education of School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) approve the recommendation of staff to discontinue intake for Late-French Immersion in the District for grade 6 for the 2025-26 school year and that late French Immersion will be discontinued for the 2026-27 school year.12.2Education Committee 13.SENIOR STAFF REPORTS 13.1Robyn Gray Re: Superintendent's Report14.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 15.NEW BUSINESS 16.FOR INFORMATION 16.1Board Motions Report 1.OS Reg Brd Motions December 2024.pdf16.2Trustee Committee Reports 17.QUESTION PERIOD Question Period is intended to enable the public to obtain clarifying information regarding a current agenda item.Individuals wishing to ask questions of the Board upon completion of Committee and Board sessions shall do so in writing on the form provided which includes their name, street address and email address. The individual will be asked to verify his/her self and be afforded the opportunity to read out their own question. Each individual shall be limited to one follow-up question upon receiving a response. Forms are available in the information rack near the entrance of the Board Room.If the meeting is being held online, individuals wishing to ask questions of the Board shall type their question in the Q&A compose box on the right side of the screen and then select send. Your question will be read by the Board or Committee Chair.Questions and responses will be included in the video of the meeting and the meeting minutes and will be part of the public record. 18.ADJOURNMENT That the meeting be adjourned.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.OS Reg Brd Motions December 2024.pdf1.NALT letter to SD 68.pdf1.S72(3) Report November 27 2024.pdf2.S72(3) Report December 4, 2024 1.pdf1.November 27 2024.pdf2.AGM December 4 2024.pdf1.LFI - Dec 11.pdf2.W Litchfield.pdf3.R Mann_ Late French Immersion .pdf4.FW_ Late French Immersion.pdf5.A Lee Letter to the SD68 Board.pdf6.N. Jensen FW_ Urgent_ Vote on Late Entry French Immersion Program.pdf7.K Collins _ Thank You For Your Support of LFI.pdf8.SD68 LFI letter to Board (3).pdf9.M Bodie Save Late French Immersion (1).pdf10.P Leather Late French Immersion.pdf11.D Redden FW_ School Board potential cutting Late French Immersion program.pdf12.AFN LFI Urgent.pdf13.D Ruffell Urge to Reconsider Cancelling Late French Immersion Program.pdf14.J Ruffell- Late French Immersion Program.pdf15.M Fukunaga.pdf16.A Vanin 1 Analysis and Recommendations Regarding Late French Immersion Program.pdf17.A Vanin 2 Personal Analysis and Proposal for the Late French Immersion (LFI) Program.pdf18.A Hughes President, Canadian Parents for French.pdf19.C Wakely.pdf20.D Boulton late entry French Immersion, critical!.pdf21.E Foster FW_ Late French Immersion Program at Quarterway Elementary.pdf22.J StanleyLFI letter to board.pdf23.L Gilfoy Quarterway Cuts.pdf24.N Dickson ContinuationofLateFrenchImmersion_NDickson.pdf25.S Madjzoub FW_ Concern about losing the Late French Immersion Program.pdf26.T Fontaine.pdf27.T Oke Subject_ Urgent Appeal_ Preserve Late French Immersion for Our Students.pdf28.R West Quarterway Late French Immersion - support for the program.pdf29.R Boar FW_ Urgent_ Request to Reconsider Cutting the Late French Immersion Program.pdf30.POL 2024-FFCB President Letter-French Immersion Nanaimo.pdf31.C Meunier Quarterway Late French Immersion Program.pdf32.C Haley Termination of the Late French Immersion Program at Ecole Quaertway.pdf1.2.5 Board Committees Representation and Annual Work Plan Amended.pdf2.2.6 Board Meeting Procedures.pdf