Presentation on the Board Goal: Continuous improvement in support for students with diverse abilities and disabilities, Indigenous and overall student population on student achievement.
Presentation on the Board Goal: To be a leader in Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
School Presentations by Ladysmith Secondary School and Mountain View Elementary School.
Senior staff from the Department of Learning Services provided an overview of how the Board's goal to be a leader in Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability will impact all areas of the district from teaching and learning to reconciliation and infrastructure. An Information Sheet is attached to the Agenda.
Diane McGonigle, District Principal, provided an overview of early learning and care in the District. An Information Sheet is attached to the Agenda.
School Administrators and staff from Ladysmith Secondary School and Mountain View Elementary School shared how the Board's goal of to be a leader in Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability is being implemented at the school level.